Vulnerability, trust, connection, creativity & humor - the things often most central to our being, show up as the prime ingredients for honest photographs.

“Amanda is one of the most genuine people that I know, she caters to exactly what you want and will capture some of the most intimate and emotional moments without you even realizing it. She wanted us to just live in the moment and be present on our wedding day and not only did her photos come out amazing and beautiful but she made us feel so comfortable. She is so sweet and I can’t thank Amanda more for the work that she put into these photos for us so that we can relive our wedding day again and again!” 

Camryn & Nik:

"(She)will capture some of the most intimate and emotional moments without you even realizing it."

"My husband and I have had the pleasure to work with Amanda twice now. We have worked with other photographers in the past, but by far Amanda’s work and vision has been our favorite. She not only captures us, but also captures the moments, the vibes, and the little details that make a gallery complete. I appreciate her hard work and dedication to her craft. You can really tell it is her passion." 

Lisa & Jake:

"She not only captures us, but also captures the moments, the vibes, and the little details that make a gallery complete."

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couple's names:

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Aenean commodo ligula eget dolor."



it is always an honor to document people at their core and IT WOULD BE A PRIVILEGE TO SERVE YOU.

This one and only precious life SHOULD BE DOCUMENTED.